Friday, January 16, 2009

Germany backery (the real ones)

Almost every tourist attraction in India, nepal has a 'German Backery.'

Most often this is a small restaurtant that sells among other (regular) things, some apple pie, croissants, muffins, some 'bavarian' rolls, danish pastry, an assortment of cookies...
Now compare this to a 'real' german backery!!!
Phew!! its a different world. ofcourse, what else do I expect ja?
Compared to one little glass rack with these goodies , here, the entire store (top to bottom) is stocked up with goodies. There are tons of different options of just bread. Then there are the sinful sweet things!!!
V and I love waking up late on a saturday morning, walk to the Wiesloch Zentrum and visit Rutz to have a cup of coffee/ hot chocolate and some of their lovely backery products. We let the regular customers (who seem to know exactly what they want) go past us in the line, we wait in a corner to make up our mind on how to satisfy our taste buds...!!!

Ofcourse all of this shows on us by now :P

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