Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Munich Impressions 2: Dirndl & Lederhosen

I was made to understand that like most 'traditional' clothing, this too was scoffed at for being 'old-fashioned' and 'conservative.' So I didnt expect many people in this metropolitan city of Munich to be wearing them.

But I saw plenty of locals wearing them. They were not the ones creating photo opportunities for tourists & we were far away from Oktoberfest too. They were normal locals, going about doing their daily routine.
  • young girls
  • young women
  • middle aged women
  • old women
  • normal dirndl
  • dressy dirndl
  • long dirndl
  • short dirndl...they were everywhere.
  • Men wearing long/short lederhosen
  • with/without the classic white shirt and suspenders.
There were plenty of stores selling them too.

I thought they looked nice in them.

I always felt that India is one of the few countries where we still see majority of people (women more than men) wearing traditional clothes. Was refreshing to see that traditional clothing still had its place in Bavaria :)

I want to wear a Dirndl once!!!

1 comment:

Deepak said...

put picture please