Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Good riddance to 2013! phew!

I'm not deeply into astrology, but this is what it said about 2013 for Librans:

2013 brings you nothing short of a total rebirth, Libra. You can finally bid farewell to the heavy and austere presence of Saturn in your stars since late 2009.

Well. Rebirth indeed. Life changed permanently for me. My mom boosted my life by donating one of her kidneys to me. A kidney transplant is not an easy treatment to deal with. It is indeed a life changing illness that's now a reality for my life time. 

It's been a rather unpleasant year not only for me but also many others around me :(. It was particularly hard to keep myself from slipping into negativity.
  • if kidney donation wasn't enough, my mom suffers a stroke and undergoes another surgery. was very hard for me to see her in her condition through my own recovery process. 
  • a friend's father's cancer got worse
  • a friend lost her new born 
  • a friend lost his father
  • a team mate at work passed away of cancer 
  • a colleague got diagnosed cancer while being pregnant...
While there were relatively smaller incidents in 2013 that would otherwise have been reasons to celebrate, there were no real celebrations through the year.

Overall, in the process of living life and dealing with everything life has to offer, 2013 has by far been the most testing year for me. 

I am more than happy to be back in Germany - to our (current) home; to our own space and begin the countdown to see this year end.

I know, there's no guarantee that years to come will be better :) 

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