Sunday, January 27, 2013

Awaiting the Oxford alumni status

Thanks to 2 good samaritan class mates of mine, my business (thesis) project got submitted on time. I got the official confirmation of the receipt of my project from my college. (yes I can call it MY college)

Through the illness, this project proved to be a great way to keep my mind occupied with something else and something more interesting.

It feels good to have completed it despite so much going on.

It couldnt have happened without the support of V ...for keeping my focus on the project all through, Marc my professor for having gone through various drafts and providing feedback, Gautam and Isabel for submitting my project to the college on time and their enthusiasm to lift my spirits up.

Now that it's submitted, I await the results and so look forward to the graduation party in summer. I sure hope I can make it for the graduation.

And hope to get 'the' status soon too.
Feb 2012-Jan 2013, it was an awesome experience through the year.

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