Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Learning by introspection: 1

It is close to 1.5 yrs of living in Germany for me. The 'starry' eyed and 'settling down' phase is over. I am now in the phase of introspecting on what am I learning, what am I achieving...what do I value being here.

I have been experiencing how my friends here go about with their life. Their priorities, their thinking, their approach to things. Ive met some of the older generation too...
While there are lots of similarities, there are lots of differences too. The different cultural, society set up calls for a different lifestyle and perspective to life.

As a result of experiencing all this, one of the things I have learnt (even more) is not to be judgemental about things. Knowing that there are DIFFERENT ways of doing things, of looking at things, of thinking...tells me everyday that there is no single source of truth. In a world as diverse there can never be. Once has to understand these different perspectives and make their own sense of it before discarding it/ adopting it blindly.

Unless there is some prescribed, 'right way,' I can no longer make statements like, "hey, your thinking is wrong/ your way of doing things are wrong." I can only say that "your thinking is different from mine/ your way of doing things are different from mine." Each has its pros and cons. One makes a choice which one to discard/ adopt.

Things are too relative to be judged upon in a jiffy.

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