Friday, June 28, 2013

Achievements amidst crisis

At a time in my life when I face diverse scenarios of difficulties, I'd like to note that amidst it all, I managed to achieve some things too:
  • 8th May, 2013 I received confirmation from the examinations administrator, Said Business School, University of Oxford that I have been awarded the Diploma in Strategy and Innovation. I was very pleased with the marks I got too. I had worked very hard through 2012 through this and the final leg of the thesis submission was the toughest - to manage it along side being sick with my kidney disorder. I could not have done it without the support of some people.

    I did miss attending the convocation ceremony in Oxford on 22nd June - something I looked forward to attending. My post kidney transplant recovery phase just seemed more important than that. All the social media updates from my classmates on one hand filled me in with all the details on another hand made me miss the event even more. *sigh!!*
  • 28th June 2013. The 2 bedroom apartment in Marathahalli, Bangalore, India is finally MINE!! It no longer belongs to the bank. I cleared off the loan and I am now finally the sole owner of this apartment. In 1997, when I started earning my own salary, my mom had given me a piece of advice, "make sure you have a house that's just your own somewhere in the world." Yes mom. I have one now. It took some time, but its here.

Under normal circumstances, these achievements would have called for a nice celebration. Unfortunately, my health condition and family situation overshadows these achievements and there aren't any celebrations.

As I practice the philosophy of living in the 'now' - I like take this moment and feel a wee bit proud of myself.

Once again, thanks for all the forces that worked in my favour and special people who have been with me to help me get here. The past few years in Germany definitely contributed in making it a little easier for me to achieve these goals.

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