Monday, November 14, 2011

A decade

Sunday, 13th November V was treated by the company he spent a decade in to a really nice show and some very very good 4 course vegetarian meal.
V put all the sweat and blood to deserve this, I got to share this experience with him too. This 'humane' aspect is what I love so much about our workplace.

While we enjoyed the evening, I remembered, the day V had his interview, at the Taj Residency, M.G Road in Bangalore. We met soon after with the news that the company made a very good offer.
To celebrate, we ate lunch at the Rice Bowl near St. Mark's road.

We've come a long way since then together. At that moment we never imagined we'd both be working again together; that we'd both be in Germany together as a married couple.

This company has positively changed our life in many ways and has become an integral part of our life.

This post is more for V - celebrating the success of the past 10 years and looking forward to the future together. Was a happy moment for us.

Monday, September 12, 2011

"I choose to be a woman"...kudos to that!

I experienced a 'first of it's kind' situation sometime back. A colleague who I knew as a man, underwent a sex change to become a woman. As difficult as it was for some of us who knew her in the past, I cannot even begin to imagine how difficult it must be for her. I give kudos to her for being so brave. To go through such a huge change and yet be among the same colleagues, friends...I am really amazed at her strength.

Coming from a patriarchal country where women still largely have an inferior status, it's fascinating to see that someone actually chooses to be a woman :) 
While in my country, women often wish/wished they were a man :) - sometimes just so they could get as much to eat/get some education/ survive...!!

This is for my colleague, and to all the fortunate women who can celebrate their femininity.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Finding myself: Part 1

At work, we need to play by the rulers of our managers, colleagues, larger organizational culture etc.
At home we need to play by the rules of our spouses, our respective families...
Everyone you call your friend finds his/her place in the pie chart of relationships - each different, each special.
While some of us dwell in the pleasure of being a parent, trying to keep pace with their kids...others trying to find a slot in their life for a new one...
At every such interaction, there is a layer we need to wear. So...
  • Where in the grand scheme of things do you find 'yourself?' 
  • How big is the slice for 'yourself' in the pie chart of relationships - does it exist?
  • Where amidst all this is the place you can call your 'own?'
    • a place where you drop all your pretentious and be yourself
    • a place where you are connected to yourself, don't feel drawn to unsurmountable pressures & expectations
    • a place where no one reassures you of all your weaknesses (oblivious of your strengths)
    • a place where you can just breathe, smile, be happy & at peace with yourself to who you are, with all your imperfections.

While I delve deep into myself, I could do with some inspirations. Have you found this sacred place for yourself? If so, how? What's your story? 

Small pleasures

Warm weather, wearing my sports shorts, riding my bicycle through the woods..up and down the old wooden bridges over railway tracks...sunlight beaming through between the branches of tall trees, the thrill of riding down hill, fast, with the wind blowing on my face...I smile to myself! 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Food while travelling within Germany

A couple of weeks back, as we travelled through southern France we were really finding it hard to find vegetarian food other than Italian pizza, pasta. The best we could get was some baguette and omelete with some salad.
In Mont Blanc, our host Tony was of the opinion that French were not too experimental with food - that Germans were.

I have to agree with Tony. Just in one square (neumarkt) in Dresden, we had the following options:
Vietnamese, Mexican, Indian, Chinese, Spanish, Italian, German,South African, Cuban...

I also believe that vegetarianism has really caught up in Germany, a lot more than other parts of Europe.
All of the above restaurants had vegetarian options beyond salads. Some had many many options.

Even in a Gaststatte in a village like Hinterhermsdorf in Sachsen, we found lots of veggie food.

It's really nice. Traveling within Germany is really a comfortable experience.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Confronting realities

This July it will be 3 years since I moved to Germany. I.e. one year over the time frame that was generally communicated to friends and family when I was moving. It was meant to be a time frame and not a deadline.

After a whole year (2009-2010) of feeling wasted in a team that once considered me valuable, I finally managed to find another place for myself within in October 2010. I once again like my job, I am around motivated and driven people, so on the work front, things are looking good. I also am doing a kind of job that I could not have gotten to do (so easily) if I were in India. I like the change.

On another front though, there is increasing pressure I feel that being in Germany and liking it, is causing a lot of trouble and discomfort to people in my life - people who mean a lot to me. This is constantly playing on my conscience. One part of me tells me, I deserve to have a life of my own...and another part of me tells me, I should be considerate towards these people - not think about myself.

3 years helped establish deep relationships with friends here. However, there is a constant question mark and reality that hangs above these relationships. Seems like it gets in the way of taking such relationships to next levels. Friends here are not sure just how long we will be around and how much should they bank on us\invest in this relationship with us.

So, 3 years hence, the uncertainty of living in Germany with an open end date is becoming a problem for  too many people around me. Humm...I do not know any answers, nor are there any definite plans...

I read an interesting line.
When the winds of change begin to blow, some people choose to build walls, others choose to build windmills. 

I wonder what direction I am headed towards...for now, I recognize the wind is starting to blow...I'll go with the flow until there's some firm hold.