Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cycling from Wiesloch to Heidelberg

We decided to work up an appetite for our Sunday brunch at Fariba's :) So V and I decided to cycle to HD. The previous day we had noticed cycling paths from Wiesloch in the direction of Heidelberg so we decided to follow the signs. However often times we found ourselves lost - not knowing which direction to proceed...went with our gut...eventually would find a reassuring cycle sign again telling us we are on the right track. These tracks take quite a round about route to get from one town to another. So we ended up cycling for a good number of Kms.
We made it in 1.5 hrs. It was interesting...we saw areas of these towns along the B3 that we never saw before...it was a perfect day for cycling too - with the sun shining...not too cold.

On our way back however, we decided to take the (more familiar) straight road back home. Ofcourse sometimes this meant driving on the cycling track inside the town, along with traffic beside us.
This was definitely a 'shorter' route. Slightly boring but since it was turning dark, it was a good idea...we took approx the same 1.5 hrs to get back...perhaps we were tired...and we had to heed to traffic.
So approx 35-38 kms in a day!!! :D ha! that felt like a nice achievement. Will we do it again?? Yes!!! definitely!!! Looking forward to better weather!!

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