Monday, January 26, 2009

Freaks and Drunken Lovers

I loved the title of their album when I first heard it. It cant be more apt for a band and music as theirs.

As they start playing their music, the entire crowd inside the room starts freaking out. They really really become totally crazy doing the famous ska dance. At frequent intervals we were part of this bunch of crazy people too - getting ourselves a good workout :). This time we were at the Ngobo Ngobo concert at Cafe Central in Weinheim.

During a break to cool off, we had an american guy walk up to us and ask if we were from India and "you obviously speak english..."
He was really curious and asked, "what brings you to weinheim?"
Another of those nice proud moments for us when we said, "oh our friend is up on the stage, playing the sax." :D
(im so glad he asked hehe)

Yes, the genre of SKA music is totally new to me. If it wasnt for Eva, I would have never heard it/ heard of it...but Im glad I did. I really enjoy it.

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